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NYSUT Alert – Tell Albany to Fix APPR, Once and For All


This urgent letter is from NYSUT President Melinda Person .  She is asking that we tell Albany to Fix APPR, Once and For All.

For over a decade now, NYSUT has been fighting to reform APPR, the punitive, test-obsessed system of teacher evaluations. Since it was instituted by Gov. Cuomo, the APPR system has done nothing but penalize educators and students. In short, it's a flawed system that has only served to suck the joy out of teaching and learning. 

Now, we may finally be on the verge of getting APPR fixed for good. As the legislative session nears its final days, we're calling on Albany to end the plague of over-testing. Returning teacher evaluations to local control would allow educators — and New York state — to again emphasize what matters most in our classrooms: teaching and learning. 

We need your help — and all of your members — to help fix APPR once and for all.So please mobilize your members and get as many of them as possible to complete the latest action on the Member Action Center to tell our lawmakers, enough is enough with APPR.

The more of our members who do this, the louder and more powerful our voice will be. I know that we can do this together. 



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