248 NYSUT Retirees celebrated the Holidays at the WNY Coalition of NYSUT Retirees Luncheon.

Sara Rodland RC44, Teri Di Pasquale RC44 and Eva Mrozka RC2 Coalition Membership Chair shared information about NYSUT Retiree Councils. Through Retiree Councils NYSUT Retirees continue their NYSUT membership in retirement.

Gloria LasGota RC 2, Liz Dolce RC2 & Rosemary Donahue RC 1 registered guests.

Darcy Spengler RC2, Arlene Reese RC3, & Tom Spengler RC1 sold Share the Wealth Raffle tickets. Money from the raffle will be used to fund grants to inservice teachers for classroom projects.

Ed Haley RC 2 & Dave D' Amato RC3 collected non perishable food items for distribution to the WNY Food Bank. They also collected old glasses and hearing aids for donation to the Lions Club.

The Lancaster High School Show Choir entertained guests with a medley of Holiday songs.

Joe Cantafio NYSUT WNY Regional Director, Janet Goddard WNY Regional Retiree Coalition NYSUT Consultant, Kathy Brown RC1 President, Lynn Mele WNY Regional Retiree Coalition President, Veronica Caven RC 3 President, Sara Rodland RC44 President, Eva Mroczka RC 2 President