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Debt webinar

NYSUT is offering a new webinar on the topic of medical debt.

Given guidance on causes of medical debt, medical staff roles, available resources, and communication strategies, this webinar will help participants to initiate conversations to advocate for themselves or loved ones in a medical setting. 


The Alzheimer's Association offers numerous programs for interested individuals, family caregivers and persons living with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. Trained presenters will conduct these programs in any setting where at least ten individuals are gathered. Each workshop consists of a formal presentation, interactive activities and follow-up materials.

In New York state, more than 410,000 people are living with Alzheimer’s — and almost two-thirds of those New Yorkers are women. MORE

The NYSUT Disaster Relief and Scholarship Fund was established to assist members who are victims of natural or man-made disasters.