Your Retiree Council Newsletter - Delivery Options
Attention Retirees
The delivery of our newsletters is changing in the fall of 2025, you will need to choose a delivery option for our Retiree Councils 1,2,3,&44 newsletters that best meets your needs. The newsletters will not automatically be delivered to your home. If you would like a printed paper copy of the newsletter, you must contact NYSUT to receive it. If you wish to continue receiving paper versions of the newsletter, you must act to communicate your wish.
All Retiree Council Newsletters will be posted and can be viewed on the "Retiree Council Newsletters" page located on the NYSUT website at New issues will be added immediately as they become available.
There are several easy ways to select your preference:
1. Visit and use your NYSUT ID
2. Contact NYSUT at 518-801-9199 or
3. Scan the QR Code below with your smart phone camera and follow the instructions that appear.
Western N.Y. News & Views is the title of the Coalition of Retiree Councils 1, 2, and 3 newsletters. The Buffalo Retiree is the title of Retiree Council 44’s newsletter.